Hi everyone!
So my game has decided to turn sims who are part of the story into zombies. Not during the full moon, just when I started up my game after we got back from our holiday -.- I know this is a common problem if you save during a full moon, which I didn't do :( I can't switch families to try and fix it that way since I don't want Rhys to lose his wishes, and am not sure how else to fix it. I've tried resetting said sim, but that didn't work.
Does anyone know if the current patch fixes this? I haven't installed it yet, but if it fixes this issue I'll get it.
If not, is there anything I can do with MasterController?
Help, please :(
Have you tried the testingcheatsenabled where you shift click on the mailbox and get the "remove supernatual" option? I have never used that one myself, but I saw it on the Sims3 forums.
ReplyDeleteI have tried that now, actually, thank you :) In fact, I started chapter eight last night and will hopefully finish it before I'm off to uni :)